"The Era of The Night Skies"
"The Era of The Night Skies"," There were no seasons and hardly any daylight. Whatever the reason, the Era of the Night Skies was a very important phase in the physical and spiritual journey of our planet. There are three such lives in particular, all of them in Greece. Our bodies were different, not in shape, but in the light quotient they held. Cats and dogs is what I remember. This was an era when humans and Earth energies worked very closely together with the stars. The night sky did not look like today. It would send beams of its own light onto Earth, which included information, energies and activation of crystals and power spots. Spaceships abounded also and there were frequent landings from our Cosmic friends, who would often guide us how to work for Spirit, how to worship, how to develop technology for benevolent purposes. They taught us to be in unity and harmony. Rituals of Light would sometimes involve a specific sequence of steps along the circle. There was language and symbols given to us. Ground crystals shone brightly, charged by the energy of the stars and shed their fine beautiful light for us to see and keep warm. It was lively, it was vibrant, it was full of Light, Light in its own way. This could not have been achieved under the dazzling Sun light. So, I presume the Sun was more present in the Southern hemisphere. There was hardly any rain, clouds or winds. When looking at the dim distant Sun, we would occasionally see few thin clouds near it, but my understanding is that weather was created by the activity of the Sun elsewhere and the Northern hemisphere would be only marginally affected by this. So, what did we eat back then, since there was no photosynthesis? There were far fewer trees and plants. Yet, I remember a few thorny low bushes, some of which one still finds today here. From where? Trees. Most of the trees that exist today and almost all smaller (in size) vegetation did not exist back then. Let us call it 'the Primordial Tree'. No photosynthesis, so leaves were not necessary. Yet, this magical tree would bear fruit. It was very nutritious and this was the only food we needed. Where did the primordial tree get its water from? Underground streams. I am not talking about underground aquifers, which have gathered precipitation water after infiltration through the ground, for this is still surface water. It was there from the moment the Earth was created. Surface water feels very light, etheric and energizing, as well as purifying. It is magical water. Later, when the frequencies spiraled down, the underground waters sank deep into the Earth. There is one important note from that Era, as I experienced it in one of these past lives, in Crete: At that time, Africa was the most evolved, advanced spiritual and human civilization on Earth. During that time, an African princess came to Crete to marry a Greek king. This is mentioned in Greek mythology and it is indeed a true event. She was the one who brought, by her magnificent work in Crete, the Light of spiritual civilization and the Light of the Goddess to Europe. Remember where Europe's name comes from. We cannot imagine what we owe to Africa. This was both due to discord among humans who did not keep the circle of unity connected and because of the few negative extraterrestrials, who, by the collaboration of corrupted humans on Earth, created further discord. Then, our cosmic friends of the Light had to go one by one, their stars began to look more distant, silent and still. We lost contact with this magical world. Indeed, the transition was very sudden. The Sun would blaze into temporary oblivion, all of our past interactions with the star kingdoms, both positive and negative. Weather patterns became more prominent and there was visible and strong interaction with the elements. Our bodies became more bound in matter and we began eating more and eating everything. A new cycle had begun indeed. So, as our etheric connections to the Kingdom of the Stars and of Divine Night were weakened, we were given the physical Sun (for the Spiritual Sun was always with us) to help us remember, visibly, our strong and utter dependence on God. It was two sides of the same coin and the flip of the coin was perfect. This is for God to decide. My concern is that, as the Sun has been so identified with Life and God, some people might be tempted to interpret this shift (if and when it ever occurs) as a punishment from God upon humanity. It is neither. Humans have existed in this Era of Night before. If we are open and humble, we may well be helped in remembering new, yet very old, ways of surviving. And what about food? If the Era of the Night Skies returns, as it was in the past, there will be no photosynthesis, certainly not as we know it today. Many plant and tree species may have to go. This one will stay. They grew leaves. So, our primordial friend masked himself to appear like any other. I felt (back then) like screaming to the future people: ""Don't do this, if the Sun goes, humanity won't have any food to eat"". This is our lesson today. Our science tells us only of a tiny narrow aspect. If we protect nature for the benefits we can get from it, this is of course better than abusing it, but it is still conditional and calculating. If we protect all nature, all trees, just because they exist, then we or our descendents, may find that, if one day the Sun might just suddenly go and all are panicked and in shock, some of our primordial friends are still there. . WHAT'S UP

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