Thursday, March 22, 2012

Various Speed Reading Techniques

"Various Speed Reading Techniques","  As a result, improving your speed reading technique is something each and every one of us should not only do, but maintain.
 A desire to improve you reading speed;

 Motivation, discipline and continued practice.

Speeding reading technique #1 - Skimming

Almost all successful speed readers will attest to the fact that they are a successful speed reader because they have a form of peripheral vision that allows them to see large amount of data on a page and to ""skim"" what they are reading.
  Using this speed reading technique, every now and then you will come across a keyword or phrase and it is this that will provide you with the essence of what is being written.

Although this speed reading technique would seem to indicate that the reader does not fully comprehend what has been written, in fact studies have shown this is not the case - majority of speed readers using this technique actually increased their comprehension of the reading materials!

Speed reading technique #2 - first sentence reading

Unlike speed reading technique #1, in speed reading technique #2, the reader will read the first sentence of each paragraph, in order to get the crux (main idea) of the idea behind the paragraph and will then skim read the remainder of the paragraph.

Using speed reading technique #2, it is generally understood that the reader will glean enough information from the first sentence not to be overly concerned about the information contained in the remainder of the paragraph, where the writer will merely be reinforcing the notion set out in sentence one.

Speed reading technique #3 - Group wording

There is a term in speed reading circles that is seen as being one of the major demons of reading: ""subvocalization"".
  Subvocalization slows reading down, without providing any upswing in comprehension to counter the lost reading time.
  Using the group wording technique, speed readers are able to read large chunks of information at the same time - thus, saving time.
  In no particular order, these include:

* subvocalization - as already stated, this is where you speak out the words you read.
  Unfortunately, as most of us are taught to speak out the words we read when we learn to read as children, it is also one of the hardest habits to break.

* digressing - digressing is where the reader will read a passage, then return to re-read it, usually in the mistaken belief that they will be able to comprehend better what has been written on a second read.
  Simple really!  Actually, in fairness, it will take time to learn, and don't expect to get it right the first time.


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