Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why the Resume is an Endangered Species

"Why the Resume is an Endangered Species"," No, the resume isn't in danger of immediate extinction.

Resumes are a relic of a traditional employment recruiting process in which employers needed a standard way of comparing numerous prospects for open job positions sight unseen.

However, today's job candidates aren't necessarily "sight unseen" at all.
 Employers don't passively wait for job candidates to send resumes; they "see" prospective candidates on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media before you set foot in the reception area.
 However, today, it's expected.

In the job search process of today, online self-marketing in the form of LinkedIn profiles, blogs, social resumes, and even Twitter feeds are the new standard.
0 technologies (that is, social networking sites).

You sift through hundreds of documents for each open position, so after a while the resumes all start to look alike.
 Many look good on one or two pages of paper.
 That's why you check the URLs included on the resume to get a better-rounded picture of each person's strengths and weaknesses.
 You can look at recommendations from the candidate's past employers on LinkedIn.

You better believe that candidates who have a sharp, authentic online identity in line with what you're looking for stand out.

Now think about the hiring process from the point-of-view of an organization's hiring manager.
 To stay abreast of current happenings in your field, you are likely to read articles in trade publications and follow at least a few industry blogs (especially blogs by others in your city or geographic territory).

You will notice if someone has an interesting contribution to a discussion that interests you.

The most successful professionals today want to be that so-and-so.
 They are constantly cultivating opportunities for taking their career to the next level by cultivating relationships with hiring managers at the companies for which they want to work.
" According to personal branding expert Dan Schawbel in his book Me 2.

Because the term "personal brand" sometimes calls to mind the misconception that it's about job seekers altering their image in order to project what employers say they want, I prefer to use the term ""career marketing plan.

I tell my clients that having a great resume, e-resume, and cover letter is the cornerstone of a successful career marketing plan, but they're not the be all and end all of a career marketing plan.

Here are the three most important steps to take now:

Write a top-notch LinkedIn profile.
com isn't going to impress anyone.
 The profile should read like a 10-minute conversation with you in which you summarize your virtues, highlight the most relevant experience, and explain why that experience is relevant to the opportunity.

 Read all the industry blogs and independent bloggers in your field every day, and share your views on the topics about which you are most passionate.
 It's not a good idea to mix your personal interests with your professional blogs, so I recommend ""fencing"" your online personalities that may contain information you don't want prospective employers to see (that is, limit the people who have access to your personal musings to friends only) and taking other steps to manage your online reputation.
 You may have heard that it's a good idea to have multiple versions of your resume tailored for different job targets; this may have been good advice 5 or 10 years ago, but today having a schizophrenic online identity is counterproductive.
 The key is to find the theme that weaves your different fabrics and embellishments together, and then to present a seamless tapestry across the full portfolio of your career marketing documents.
 Today's job seekers can gain a competitive advantage by taking full advantage of social media and blogs.


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Hilarious Online Dating Profile

"Tips for Creating a Hilarious Online Dating Profile"," And this applies to all kinds of dating websites, including the free ones and the more upmarket pay dating sites.
 The difference usually boils down to which dating tips are given the most importance.
 If you can instil a bit of humour in your online dating profile, then you are more than halfway there to getting it just right.

Firstly, grab their attention with a witty heading or tagline.
 Here are some crazy examples, but you can make your own version of these to generate many views of your profile, and from there some real live dates with people who "get" you, and enjoy your off-beat sense of humour:

Looks and brains - I have one of these elements, guess which?
Hopeless romantic seeks hedonistic party animal
Pick me for the most unpredictable time of your life
I may not be the best catch on this site, but at least you are reading this right now!

One of the greatest ways known to attract members of the opposite sex is to invent a ludicrous job title.
 Some have indeed become famous in their own right.

For example, if you are a construction worker, say that you are working on a secret building for the government that will house two of every species in the event of a nuclear catastrophe, and you have been asked to seek out the perfect female to join in you in the fallout shelter.

So, be as absurd, outrageous and bizarre as you like, just make sure it is based on the truth


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TedsWoodworking Plans and Projects

Online Profile

"Writing an Irresistible Online Profile"," What do I say? Where do I begin? Why are they making me do this? As with most aspects of online dating there are some basic and simple rules that are not necessarily obvious to the newcomer, who has just started finding her/his way through unfamiliar territory.
 Regardless of the length of your personal ad, be advised that taking the time to compose something worthwhile will naturally attract more appropriate and compatible matches.
 Write just a short introduction

This is one way of overcoming writer's block and is perfectly allowable in most online dating services.
 Even if you receive a healthy number of responses, don't be tempted to leave your ad unfinished.

 Also, once you've completed your essay consider updating it regularly to reflect your new experiences and insights.
 Search and Save Prospect's Profiles

Don't waste time checking out the competition.
 You will develop a sound sense of the site's use of explicit language, acceptable length, style, etc.
 And please don't forget to save those profiles you find most interesting for later contact.
 Tailoring Your Profile and Language

It is commonly agreed that, honesty is the best policy! Having said that; it is also important to "target your market".

 Most people are very aware of this and are judicious enough to maintain a healthy level of suspicion.
 In which case, you'll most likely win a one-way ticket to "Dump City".
 Freely Express Your Interests and Values

When discussing those aspects of life, which turn you on, whether it's a value, like having a family, or an interest, like skydiving, don't be afraid to include the whys and wherefores.
" Firstly, you will be allowing a prospect, doing a search of "skydiving", to locate you.

 Instead, find ways to inject information about your achievements, desires, and future goals, casually, through short anecdotes, reflections, and humor.

Adding an audio file, whenever possible, is especially important because all the information your prospect has received so far has been visual.

 Don't be one of them! In fact don't apologize for anything whatsoever.

Your profile should be a symphony of positive notes and tones; not a list of what you don't want or of childish demands such as, "he must be financially independent".
 Remember your audience will probably have a short attention span, especially, when about to be bored by unnecessary pontification.
" Don't write, "I'm an easy-going guy.
 Avoid discussing past relationships and the need to "tell it all".


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Monday, July 02, 2012

What You Want In A Best Pocket Scale Weighing Device

You will find a variety of good quality pocket scales for sale. However, when it comes to choosing the best pocket scale for your needs, it generally comes down to the cost and your personal preference. With the majority of modern miniature weighing devices offering users a variety of features, you are likely to be spoilt for choice.

Size and appearance are two of the main aesthetic features if you want a scale that looks stylish, but is small and lightweight, so that it can fit easily into your briefcase or bag. The outer casing tends to be constructed with materials which are robust and will protect the machine from damage. In many examples, the protective casing is similar to that used for mobile phones and other electronic devices.

These small hand held weighing machines are similar to many of the small electronic devices around today. They are getting smaller in size, while managing to retain the quality and clarity of their display screen. Many models have a dual line display feature. This can be particularly beneficial if you require calculating the cost as well as weight.

The mode or menu function allows you to alter the measurement used. By pushing a button you can quickly switch between ounces, grams, carats and other weight measurements. The weight capacity on models can vary in the range from 200 to 700 grams.

These miniature weighing machines can be powered by regular or rechargeable batteries. The most up to date models come with their own rechargeable docking station. They have automatic digital calibration using a 100 gram weight. Most importantly, they are accurate to 0.1 grams.

If you buy one of the best pocket scale packages you will receive all the accessories to go with it. The accessories includes the scoop, tweezers and other tools you need to enable you to weigh materials. You will find that prices vary from one supplier to another, so if you want to save money you need to shop around.

keywords:  best pocket scale, sciene, culture, technology, education, learning, recreation, personal growth