Thursday, November 01, 2012

DNA for Forensics

"DNA for Forensics"," This is based on the principle that flecks of skin, hair or body fluid have been left in the crime scene by the suspect so if these DNA profile matches the ones obtained from that person, it is very likely that the right person will be prosecuted.
 To identify an individual, 13 DNA regions are scanned.
 With the 13 regions defined, there is a slim chance of having another person possessing the same genetic profile.
 Then, these are analyzed for the presence of a set of specific DNA markers.
 Series of probes bonded to a DNA sample will form a specific pattern for an individual.
 If 4 to 5 regions are alike, the suspect is likely the one who left the sample in the crime scene.

Forensic DNA fingerprinting has been considered by judges to be better than eyewitness accounts since physiological evidence can never lie.
 Aside from the crime-related issues solved, this procedure can also be used to identify endangered and protected species to prosecute poachers, detect bacterial or other air, water, soil and food contaminants.
 Indeed, forensic DNA fingerprinting is a breakthrough of the century.

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