Sunday, November 18, 2012

How Does Gold Occur in Nature?

"How Does Gold Occur in Nature?"," This precious metal comes in many different forms and shapes, including plates, scales, microscopic pieces, larger spongy pieces, hackly masses, and slugs.
 Gold is structured like a crystal, but rarely appears as nice and well-formed as other crystals do, because they need space and special conditions to achieve this particular shape.
 The most common variety of gold in this form is the octahedron, which is an eight-sided cubic shape.
 These two minerals contain iron and sulphur, which is distinctive to fields of the Victorian gold rush in Australia.
 Gold grains generally end up being bent or misshapen, rather than being made smaller by the effect of other elements.

If you can find gold that hasn't gone far from the original quartz reef, you will find that they will have a basic natural shape and might even contain imprints of quartz crystals.
 It seems that this metal found along stream beds will get much smaller and more worn out the further you move downstream.
 Since gold occurs naturally in quartz reefs, those looking for this shiny yellow metal are best suited to check the areas known for having these reefs as a first option for finding this shiny precious metal.


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