Monday, April 23, 2012

Dog Training: What Is Dog Training?

"Dog Training: What Is Dog Training?","

First, there is ""behavior training"".
 Usually this would include house training, good behavior around other people and dogs, and other small things that make a dog a much more pleasant companion.

Next, there is ""obedience training,"" which is teaching the dog how to perform specific activities.
 The emphasis here is on prompt and precise performance.

Dogs that have been obedience trained will perform tasks when their owners ask them to do so.
 These days, such activity also includes sports such as frisbee, flyball and agility.

A certain amount of obedience training will help with behaviors, for example.

You will still want to keep this in mind when selecting a training class, however, so that it best matches your needs.
 For those of you who want to enjoy a sport or compete in an activity with your dog, you will need to move along to more complex dog training.

The two may be related: a dog that digs because it is bored may become less bored with obedience training and stop digging.
 You will need to modify your approach, or select a trainer to help you, with behavior vs.

Please also remember not to punish the dog whilst training.
 It does little to foster willingness to learn and achieve.
 Refrain from hitting or physically abusing the dog.
 The dog is bound by nature and genetics to test how far he can push you or get away with disobeying you.
 Only yield once your commands are followed.

Use rewards and praise as often as required.
 The pet will associate responding to commands with praise/rewards (treats) and will try and respond quicker to reap his rewards.
 You will find that obeying a command becomes second nature to your dog.
 To begin with, the lessons should be fairly easy and such that the dog can complete it within two-three actions.
 Just as our children go, at first to play school, then to kindergarten, and then to the first grade so also in the case of our pets.
 Each and every dog presents different training challenges, and the more equipped you are to handle these training issues the more likely you are to prevent any permanent and long term future behavioral problems.

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