Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sticker marketing

Stickers are perhaps the most fun way to get word out about your product or service. They not only allow you to easily engage with your customers on a fun level, but also enable you to brand yourself on just about anything and anywhere. With all of the benefits, it is easy to see why it is important to not only take the proper amount of time in creating a fully executable program, but also designing the stickers correctly. Below are three tips to ensuring that you get the most out of your sticker marketing campaign.
Colors - Make sure that the colors you choose represent your brand. Your branding colors should be the first thing that the recipient sees on impact. Having stickers that use colors which are off brand only hurt your efforts. So try to stay within the same color palette.
Copy - Make sure that the copy you put on your sticker is very little, if any. The copy should be light and conversational. Your copy's font should also be casual. Try to go for a font that is playful. After all, stickers were made to be playful.
Shape - Consider the shape and size of your sticker. Large stickers tend to get noticed first. They not only are easily seen, but also provide ample amounts of space to explain your business. Also, consider having a shape that is die-cut. By going against the traditional circle or square, you are better able to stand out amongst your competitors. So before you try anything else, be sure to experiment with a custom cut shape that will drive eyeballs to your sticker.
Imagery - Make sure that the images you use are symbolic of your brand. The images should not only be representative of your brand, but also draw attention to certain key points. So as a result, try and think of ways to incorporate your image as a highlighter. Everything on your sticker should have a reason for being there.
Placement - The placement of your sticker is very important. You are after all, branding whatever you place it on. As a result, try and place the sticker on things that are symbolic of your brand. Think of places your prospects go, and go there. There, you can place stickers on things that would get their attention.
When you are done with your stickers, it is important that you get feedback from everyone you know. Getting feedback on your stickers not only helps your stickers, but your overall marketing campaign, as this feedback can be used in other forms of marketing.
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