Friday, May 18, 2012

Jerk Seasoning

"Jerk Seasoning"," When jerk seasoning is used in cooking ingredients it is not just a recipe flavor but an entire lifestyle that takes you out of the cold frigid winters and into warmth, laughter, beautiful beaches, reggae music and sunshine.
 Jamaican jerk is as ingrained into Jamaican culture as reggae music.
 This unique spice should not be restricted only to Jamaica, but to any island tropical paradise.

The main ingredients that give jerk seasoning its distinctive flavor is Thyme, Scotch Bonnet Peppers and Jamaican Pimento.
 The reason this Jamaican Allspice has this special flavor is due to the Jamaican volcanic soil.
 The secret to jerk seasoning is Jamaican Pimento grown in the volcanic soil which produces a very high volatile oil content.
 In Jamaica one usually has jerk chicken, jerk pork or jerk fish.
 It can even be used for snacks by sprinkling over popcorn, nuts, or potato chips.
 Jerk cooking can be used by many different techniques including barbecue, grill, bake, put over charcoal barrels, pit fires, and hardwood charcoal in a steel drum jerk pan.
 The flavor will be sensational.
 It can be found at many different restaurants.
 The most popular staple is usually jerk chicken.
 Jerk seasoning has become a global phenomena which takes people away from the cold of the mainland and brings them back to a tropical paradise with steel drum music and rum drinks.

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