Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Learning More About Colon Cancer

"Learning More About Colon Cancer"," The colon spreads from your anus to your small intestine.
 It digests and absorbs nutrients and helps to expel waste out of the body.
 Eventually, it can spread to organs that are farther away like the lungs.
 This type of unhealthy growth overwhelms healthy cells and tissues by taking away the oxygen supply, nutrients, and space.
 Prognosis is better if the cancer is caught earlier rather than later.
 Most forms of colon cancer are caused by clusters of these abnormal cells on the inside wall of the colon.

SymptomsRectal bleeding, fatigue, pale skin, and iron deficiency are all associated with colon cancer.
 It is imperative that you seek help as soon as you show the signs and symptoms.
 As for the iron deficiency, rectal bleeding can show up as either being chronic or as an iron deficiency anemia.
 Symptoms include:

· Abdominal pain· Abdominal distension· Unexplained, constant vomiting or nausea· Unexplained weight loss· Change in bowel habits or consistency· Feeling like you still need to evacuate even after you have· Small, ribbon-li stools· Rectal pain

If you experience any of the above symptoms, contact your physician immediately.
 Do not automatically assume that your symptoms are caused by something else.
 You need to schedule a regular colon screening so that you have a better chance of detecting this cancer at an earlier stage, especially if you fall into any of the risk categories.

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