Postcards are perhaps the easiest way to clearly define a message, as well as communicate a set of ideas that come across in a clear and vibrant way. Below are the top tips to ensuring that you get the most our of your postcard marketing. They not only will optimize your postcard campaign, but will also help in getting your key messaging out there quickly.
Below are five top tips to ensuring you get the most.
Verbiage - The postcard copy should be something that is short and simple. Marketers are constantly looking for ways to best utilize their corporate marketing collateral. For that reason it is best to start there, and dumb down the language as much as possible. Simplifying your existing collateral is not only is easier, but also provide a roadmap for your writer to follow.
Layout - Having a postcard that has equally balances lights and darks is best. Having a symmetrical design is not only attractive, but also allows people to easily see the ideas you're trying to convey. As a result, try and go for a layout that does not confused the reader, but instead guides them through a series of thoughts and messages.
Distribution - Your postcard distribution tactic should be something that is easy for you to execute, as well as affective. The single way to do both, is to hand them out face-to-face at locations that your prospect frequents. Second to that would be mailing. Mailing a great way to connect with your prospect on a personal level.
Shape - As with anything, the shape of your postcard is perhaps the number one thing that will help it stand out. The shape goes a long way in terms of getting attention. As a result, try and go for a shape that embodies your industry. For example, a dentist could do a tooth shapes postcard.
Color Scheme - The color scheme goes a long way in terms of branding. The scheme should embody the whole brand. That means that the color you use on the postcard, should be the same as the website, flyer, brochure, etc. Cohesiveness is perhaps the best way to build a reputable and reliable brand.
When you are finished, be sure to pass your postcard around to friends, family and coworkers. Getting their feedback is perhaps the number one way to not only making the best postcard, but also creating a brand that is easily identifiable and will get just about anybody's attention
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