Saturday, April 14, 2012

Why Is Dog Training The Best Thing We Can Do For Our Dogs?

"Why Is Dog Training The Best Thing We Can Do For Our Dogs?","

Please read these  undeniable reasons why we owe it to our dogs to train them:

Dog training helps to build and strengthen a healthy and productive relationship with your dog.
 A real form of two way communication is established through positive non violent dog training.

A well socialized and trained dog will become a fantastic life-long companion, work mate and friend.
 Instead of having a lopsided relationship where you are continually yelling at or reprimanding your untrained dog, why not set your dog up to succeed by providing some leadership and clear guidelines for him/her to follow?

A trained dog is a well respected and trusted member of society who is welcomed almost anywhere.

A whole range of common dog behavior problems can be prevented through some obedience training.

When a so called behavior problem does arise you and your trained dog will be well equipped to work through it.
 You may even choose to get your dog to perform an alternate behavior in place of the existing problem.

The vast majority of ""bad dogs"" or dogs with behavior problems eventuate because the dog has never been taught any better.
 They do it simply because you left the shoe lying around with a bored and stressed dog.

A trained dog is also a pleasure to take for a walk (no pulling!) and trips to your Vet or Dog Groomer are never a problem.

Having your dog under voice control in any situation is a very reassuring position to be in - it may even save your dog's life one day.

A properly socialized and trained dog is a much safer proposition around other dogs and animals.

A trained dog is confident, secure and comfortable with his/her place in your household.
 It's far better than having a nervous, anxious and confused dog who is continually being yelled at for things he/she doesn't even understand.

Training sets up proper household etiquette for your dog to follow.

Dog training provides a brilliant release or outlet for all of your dog's pent up energy.

Most dogs that end up in animal shelters arrive there because they have at least one behavior problem - many of these problems can be easily controlled through some basic obedience training.
 This of course only compounds the existing problems.

When we bring a new dog into our lives we are bringing a different species into a world that is completely foreign to them - our human world.

So there they are, the 5 reasons I believe every dog deserves at least some basic training - for everybody's benefit.
 Would you still train your dog even if all of the benefits listed did not apply? I would, because training your dog is one of the real joys of owning a dog, it is great fun.


look here and take action

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