Monday, April 16, 2012

Dog Training Tools and Advice

"Dog Training Tools and Advice"," I know this is hard to believe and we all love to believe that our good boy is actually quite smart.
 You therefore need to educate yourself in order to train your dog.
 Your dog requires certain key factors in order to be correctly trained and you need to know how to do this.
 This may comprise of physical devices along with solid training advice.
 Dogs behave instinctively, being an animal, this is quite normal.
 In order to change any bad dog behavior you need to focus on changing the way your dog expresses his natural dog instincts.
 This will just create fear and lack of confidence within your dog.
 Some of these areas are purely for recreational activities.
 These are just for bragging rights really, see how clever my dog is.
 Here you would need some more advanced dog training tools or advice.
 Heaven knows what a badly behaved dog can get up to if not kept in check.
 Here are a few of the basics with regards to dog training.
 There are plenty of, paid for,and worth every cent, professional instructional guides out there.

Crate Training:

This type of dog training tool should not be abused, for example when you want time out from your pet dog.
 You may also want to familiarize your dog with the crate for those times when he will be travelling with you on a airplane for instance.
 Upon release from the crate you should take the dog outside to allow him to do his business.
 Once again, we see here good behavior associated with reward.
 Never allow the crate to be seen as a form of punishment for your dog.
 Always bear this in mind when your dog has done something which we humans just do not understand.

Leash Training:

If your dog is pulling your arm out of its socket every time you take him walkies, its time for proper leash training.
 Never allow your dog to get over excited when he sees the leash or becomes aware that you are going to take him for a walk.
 Then come back, put on his leash, only if he has behaved and listened to your commands.
 Also, as long as your dog is in this hyped up state he will not listen to any commands you may give him.
 The dog should not be leading you around.
 Also, if he does not refrain from pulling, then make him sit and stay next to your side until he understands that you are the Alpha Dog and are therefore in charge.

The Alpha Position:

Every domesticated dog needs to be trained in this area.
 Dogs do not speak, they bark, except for the Basenji breed of course, so do not assume dogs understand human language.
 I know this sounds strange, as many of us assume the dog is there to protect us.
 This serves to re-enforce the concept of establishing the pack roles so that your dog knows exactly who is in and who is not.
 So here, I would say its advisable to try and attend some good obedience training classes.
 Of course everything you are taught at these classes can be used in your home training.
 Once you have the basics there is a wealth of advice, products and knowledge out there from experts in their fields, which will empower you.

Dog Training Advice - Consistency, its essential.
 So, for you to have any success in controlling your dog or dogs, you need to be CONSISTENT.
 Whether you live alone or have a huge family at home, dog training is essential to maintain peace and harmony, never mind the bank balance.
 You will need to educate the family or other people as well, so that the dog sees a CONSISTENT chain of command.
 There is no point in you putting in all the effort to get your dog trained and well behaved, just for the rest of the family to go and ruin it all.

Always remember that any knowledge gained through classes, a quality online book you have bought or merely by reading these articles, is going to benefit you ultimately.
 Your dog may be physically more powerful than you, but you dominate because of KNOWLEDGE.

look here and take action

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