Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fly the Friendly Skies of Coaching

"Fly the Friendly Skies of Coaching"," Here's why the coaching industry growing so fast and how it can make you a champion, too.

I make a presentation and watch as the audience takes careful notes, nods in agreement with what I say, then rises to its feet with applause.

These are bright people, motivated people, but the vast majority of them are just too busy or too overwhelmed by day-to-day business matters to implement the changes they know they must make.

It's that lack of follow-up that has led to the explosive growth of the coaching industry.
 Fortune magazine agrees: ""The hottest thing in management today is the executive coach.
"" The Harvard Business Review tells us, ""The goal of coaching is the goal of good management: to make the most of an organization's valuable resources.

Forget flying, taking the train or traveling.
 Instead, imagine closing the door to your office for 30 minutes and having your own private success coach right there.
 In fact you can call from any state in the country.
 A good coach encourages you and helps you to stay on track by helping you understand roadblocks to change and creating a solid support structure for you to stay motivated and proactive.
 We've learned that guerrillas need follow-up and now we're offering it.
 Have you ever attended an excellent training program, perhaps a full day or weekend seminar? The speaker is great, the information is valuable and you take eight pads full notes.

Consider this analogy from the world of sports.
 You take a tennis lesson.
 It takes a process to create a tennis champion, and it takes a process to create a profitable company.

The entire design of a coaching program is to get you to take action and then to stay with you to assure the proper follow-up.

When I write a book, I know it has only two parts: starting it and completing it.
 Coaching exists to help you with that second part.

If you're interested in learning more, just check out the explosive growth of the coaching industry as a whole, and if you're interested in participating, now you can do it as a guerrilla and gear up to be a champion yourself.


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