Tuesday, April 03, 2012

How Sales Managers Can Hire and Recruit the Right Person

"How Sales Managers Can Hire and Recruit the Right Person"," Rick has been a sales manager for 35 years and during that time he has stated that he continually hires trouble. Poor hires only placate morale and productivity. This runs specifically true in a post recessionary world. However, there is a great concern over the ability to find the proper personnel with the right talent. Basically the economic doldrums separated the professionals from the wannabes. What exactly might a hiring sales manager today search for? It's a job of the sales manager to always be seeking the proper talent for the organization. Talent is those sets of innate skills that people possess. Sales managers that hire for behavior seemingly fall short of expectations. As Jim Collins said in his number-one selling book ""Good to Great"", it is essential to have the right people on the bus. Second, sales managers must begin an active recruitment process. This way if you do find an outstanding candidate you can hire them immediately without special dispensation from senior executives. Unfortunately too many organizations and their sales managers are very reactive when it comes to hiring. The fact is that in a competitive situation, organizations must have a proper competitive matrix to hire right. Fourth, perhaps probably the most missed opportunities during recruitment is seeking people with proper flair. Look very keenly at the manner in which sales candidates have approached you as a sales manager. Finally, in order to find the right sales talent similar to marketing and other business development endeavors organizations must be visible. Tell your distribution channel you are seeking talent. And, with good relationships these alliances will only provide the best people. Years prior to the recession organizations hired quickly because they were forced. Commitment and time are the resources necessary to recruiting great people. HERE IT IS ALL IN ONE NUT SHELL 

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